Friday, May 3, 2013

My Hitchcock-ian Pursuit

            Speaking of Hitchcock, another reason why I love his work is because of his attention to detail that makes his horror films so successful at giving me nightmares. After studying a little more for that project (read the previous post if you already forgot what it was for), I discovered a plethora of fun facts about Alfred Hitchcock.
            My favorite fun fact was that Hitchcock makes a cameo in all of his own movies! Apparently Stephenie Meyer didn’t start the trend with her Twilight fims, but copied one of my movie idols. Feel free to debate the quality of her writing, but you can’t deny the fact that she knows who to mimic!
            Inspired by Hitchcock (once again), I wrote another scene, and included my own Hitchcock-ian cameo. And the Hitchcock blog marathon continues!



TWO POLICE MEN sit down in a booth, sipping coffees and staring at an iPad. A GIRL with red hair sits in the booth behind them, quietly eavesdropping.

POLICE MAN #1: Budget’s tight this year; I wish we didn’t have to lay off three men, but we do.

POLICE MAN #2: Let me just pull up their performance reviews and we can start figuring this out...

POLICE MAN #2 taps the screen of the iPad, and it brightens. He pulls up a performance review, along with the picture of a heavy-set man, late 50s.

POLICE #1: Jerry Wringler, fifty-seven. Great guy, he’s been on my squad since my first day as Chief.

POLICE #2: It says here that he’s due to retire in a few years—

POLICE #1: After he pays off his daughter’s college tuition.

POLICE #2: You can’t take that into account, Lyle.

POLICE #1: (mutters) He’s still a good guy.

POLICE MAN #2 scrolls down on his iPad, eyeing the review.

POLICE #2: Says here he got a twenty-five in the productivity section.

POLICE #1: Out of what?

POLICE #2: a hundred.


POLICE #1: Maybe he’s gotten a little lazy with paperwork, but he’s always got your back if you need him to.


POLICE #1: Okay, what about the next guy?

POLICE MAN #2 taps the screen twice, and the picture of a YOUNG MAN with a crew cut pops up.

POLICE #2: Jared Gray, ex-soldier, twenty-two.

POLICE #1: An ex-soldier at twenty-two?

POLICE #2: That’s what it says.

POLICE #1: Did he mention anything about it in his interview?

POLICE MAN #2 pulls up the interview notes on his iPad and scrolls through them quickly.

POLICE #2: Doesn’t look like it. He’s got an awful scar on the side of his neck though, so maybe it has to do with that?

POLICE #1: Maybe. What’s his review look like?

POLICE #2: Says he’s very disciplined about his work. All his paperwork is flawless.

POLICE #1: Anything else?

POLICE MAN #2 scrolls down.

POLICE #2: And he’s good at taking orders... but his relationship with his co-workers isn’t the strongest.

POLICE #1: Why is that?

POLICE #2: Well, have you ever talked to the man, sir?

POLICE #1: No, but I’ve seen him around. He seems like an okay guy to me...

POLICE #2: He is, he is. Just not one for small talk, I guess.

POLICE #1: And that means we should fire him?

POLICE #2: No, but he was the last person hired.

POLICE MAN #1 stops to think. He drums the table with his fingers and takes a long swig of coffee.

POLICE #1: Keep him; he served our country. The least we can do is give him a little more time to prove himself.

POLICE MAN #2 taps the screen of his iPad, and the picture of JARED GRAY disappears.

POLICE #2: We have to fire somebody, Chief.

POLICE #1: (annoyed) I know that... so who’s next?

POLICE MAN #2 pulls up a picture labeled DONALD ORZO.

POLICE #2: (smiling) Donny, he’s the best.

POLICE #1: And why is that?

POLICE #2: We’re all really close with him, sir. He’s so damn funny, like this one time, when we were getting coffee between shifts—

POLICE #1: I’m not asking why you’re BFF’s. Why should I keep him?

POLICE #2: He’s great at calming down tense situations. And he’s crucial to the squad dynamic; he keeps our spirits up.

POLICE MAN #2 quickly scrolls through DONNY’s review, when something catches THE CHIEF’s eye.

POLICE #1: Go back.

POLICE #2: To what, sir?

POLICE #1: Just scroll up a little bit. I thought I saw a ten.

POLICE MAN #2 reluctantly scrolls up.

ZOOM IN on the screen of the iPad.

POLICE #1 (O.S.): Stop.

Screen stops moving, and CAMERA focuses on the performance review.

TEXT appears on the screen. It reads:



POLICE #1: A ten? Out of one hundred?

POLICE #2: He’s only a few minutes late in the mornings. He has to drop his son off at school and—

POLICE #1: A ten?

POLICE #2: I know it’s hard to look past this, but Donny’s really a great guy.

POLICE #1: I thought you said I couldn’t take personal information into account. I have to stay objective, right?

POLICE #2: Yes, sir.

THE TWO POLICE MEN are silent. You can hear the BUSTLE of PEOPLE talking over their lunches. AN EMPLOYEE comes to wipe the table next to THE TWO POLICE MEN. THEY stare, and SHE leaves.

POLICE #2: (timid) What about you, sir?

POLICE #1: What about me?

POLICE #2: Well, have you thought about your retirement at all?

POLICE #1: Excuse me?

POLICE #2: I don’t mean to be rude, but—

POLICE #1: You are being rude—

POLICE #2: But have you ever considered stepping down from Chief?

POLICE #1: No.

POLICE #2: Never?

POLICE #1: Never.

POLICE MAN #2 looks at his watch. POLICE MAN #1 crosses his arms.

POLICE #2: I’m sorry sir, I have some paperwork to do.

POLICE #1: Is that so?

POLICE #2: Yeah, I’ve been really swamped lately.

Without another word, POLICE MAN #1 gets up from the table.

POLICE #1: Well, I wouldn’t want to keep you from your job. Thank you for your help, Officer.

POLICE MAN #1 is smiling, and it makes POLICE MAN #2 nervous. POLICE MAN #1 holds the door open for POLICE MAN #2.

POLICE #2: Uh, you’re welcome sir.

THE TWO POLICE MEN walk away from the café to their respective cop cars. Before getting in, POLICE MAN #1 waves to POLICE MAN #2, and smiles.


            MOVIES WATCHED: 20
            NOVEL PAGES WRITTEN: 76

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